How do you prepare a perfect American breakfast?

american breakfast

Turn on the toaster, juicer, and food processor to create soft pancake dough.Whether sweet or savory, the American breakfast is a real delicacy for the palate and it gives you energy to start the day in the best possible way. Among the essential ingredients, eggs and orange juice take the top spots, but there are […]

How do Italians eat breakfast?

italian breakfast habit

Breakfast is very light for Italians.For breakfast, Italians often drink an espresso or cappuccino. Some even include a delicious pastry. Italian breakfasts are much lighter than the substantial ones you are used to in other countries. Some Italians pair coffee with a pastry.In the bars you can choose from a wide variety of croissants, tarts […]

Quick visit and lunch in Florence: what to do for free

what to do for free in Florence

Passing through Florence for a few days?Here are some things you simply cannot miss. What to see first?Not everything requires a ticket: Florence is an open-air art museum, and there are many things you can do for free just by walking around the city. 1. Museums If you’re fascinated by art and history, you can […]

What is special about eggs Benedict? 

egg benedicts

Legend has it that Eggs Benedict made their debut in 1894 at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria, courtesy of a hangover customer named Lemuel Benedict.
Since then, they’ve become a staple of American brunches, blending sweet and savory flavors.